BlueĪccording to, “If you are blessed with deep brown ones, eyeliner in any hue would make you look perfect”. That is why you need to know exactly what color will work for your eye color. Both routes will lead to a fail town where your eyes end up looking smaller, and probably dull. Either they just go with black on the assumption that it will work for every look they desire and also suits everyone, or get excited at the variety and pick wonderful colors that do not work with their eye color, skin tone and hair color. There are two traps most people will fall into when choosing eyeliner. Read on for the best liner colors from the neutral palette as well as the best color eyeliners you should be added to your makeup kit.
They may be the most common eye color in the world, but brown ones have a lot of stories to tell, and a lot of popping to do, if you line them right.
It should also help bring out the color/ colors in your iris. The best one for you should do more than outline their shape and help you nail that smoky or cat eye.